Price Match Guarantee

Our price match guarantee ensures that we won’t be beat on price. We’ll match the price of most online and local competitors.

How to request a price match:
Show us the competitor’s advertisement or let us review the website that shows the lower price. If you’re buying from us online, please call 610-437-9978. We may have to verify the price by calling the competitor or beginning the checkout process on the competitor’s website.

What qualifies:
Product is an identical match – same brand, item number, size, and color in new condition.
Product is in stock and/or available to ship from the competitor.

What price we’ll match:
We’ll match the regular or sale price of the qualifying item – does not include clearance, going-out-of-business, sitewide, storewide, or category-wide discounts. The price we match is the competitor’s price including shipping and handling charges, before tax. Taxes may apply to the final sale total.

Who’s prices we’ll match:
We’ll price match any local competitor’s price (located within 20 miles or able to ship to customer’s location). We’ll also match any authorized online dealer who will ship to the customers location.

We won’t match:

• Pet food prices
• 3rd party sellers (e.g. We won’t match items sold by a 3rd party on Amazon/fulfilled by Amazon, but we will match items sold by Amazon)
• Auction websites
• Wholesale clubs
• Discount-only retailers and outlet stores (e.g. TJ Maxx, Marshalls) 
• Private sellers
• Closeouts, going-out-of-business sales, flash sales, and BOGO (buy-one-get-one) offers
• Storewide, sitewide, or category-wide promos
• Rebates and competitor coupons
• Loyalty programs/promos, reward certificates, and “gift with purchase” offers
• Special financing offers
• Trade-in offers
• Prices on demo, preowned, or “open box” items.
• Prices for services
• Employee discount on top of a price match
• Limited quantity / “doorbuster” offers
• Items marked down due to damage, defects, or expiration dates

Price match is limited to one per customer on identical items in a calendar year. Price match is limited to 5 total items per customer in a calendar year. Price match items cannot be sold below our cost. We may have to call the competitor to verify price and availability.

Can I use a coupon with a price match?
No, you can use either or, but not both in together.

Does the price match include taxes?
No, we can only match the pre-tax price of the item. State/local sales taxes still apply and will be included in the final selling price.

When can I ask for a price match?
We accept price matching before purchase or up to 14 days after the purchase.

Can a price match be combined with in store sales & offers?
No, we can only do one or the other. For example, if an item is 20% off in store, we can either match the competitor’s price or give the 20% off our price. We cannot give the 20% off from the competitor’s price.

Can you price match an autoship price that is lower than the one-time purchase price?
No, we can only price match the one-time purchase price of an item. Because our stores do not require you to commit to recurring purchases to earn discounts, we can only match the one-time purchase price.

Your policy says that price matching is limited to one identical item per customer per year; however, I’d like to make repeat purchases of an item at a price match price. Is this possible?
Our policy limits price matching to one identical item per year to prevent abuse and potential fraud; however, we do consider exceptions on a case by case basis.